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Our Story and Mission

Our journey began in the vibrant world of creative arts, a path that has not only shaped us as artists but as leaders, educators, and advocates. Through the arts, we discovered powerful skills — creativity, communication, resilience — that transcend the studio and stage, enriching our lives in education, business, and community leadership. Inspired by our own transformation, we're dedicated to unlocking this potential in others. Our mission is to guide individuals in exploring their creative talents, developing their personal and professional skills, and empowering them to lead and inspire in all aspects of their lives.

Our ethos is simple – everyone has a story to tell, a song to sing, or a dance to share. We believe in the transformative power of the arts to enrich lives and communities. By making arts accessible to all, we aim to foster confidence, creativity, and a sense of belonging.

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Process or Product

Process or Product?

September 05, 20244 min read

We’re here to dive into something that puzzles a lot of us, no matter what we're doing—working, learning, or just living. That burning question: should we focus more on the process or the product?

We've been through this debate ourselves and with others, and we're excited to share some stories and tips that might just change the way you see things.

Why Even Argue About It?

Process Product

You know how you can get so fixed on where you want to end up that you kind of forget to enjoy the ride? Well, we see this all the time. For example - the manager a nursery, who's usually swamped with admin stuff, joined in on the dance session we facilitate. She was blown away by the kids’ progress, something she’d been missing out on. It was a lightbulb moment for her, realising just how much happens when she’s not looking. And that’s why we think it’s crucial to not just focus on the end game but to really embrace the journey too.

Tips for Loving the Process

  1. Reflective Practice:

    Every day, take a moment to think about the win, what went well and what could use a tweak. Celebrate the good stuff and learn from the rest. Keep it real and focused—no need to fix everything at once, set a smart achievable target then see what impact that has.

  2. Be Your Own Critic (But in a Good Way):

    Try stepping out of yourself for a sec. Look at what you did as if you were someone else. Would you pat yourself on the back or give some friendly advice? This helps hugely in keeping things in perspective.

  3. Gratitude Diary:

    Drop a line or two about what went well each day. It could be something amazing you did or something awesome someone else did. It’s about spotting the sunshine, not just the rain.

  4. Quiet Time:

    Find some quiet time to just be with your thoughts. Whether it’s a silent morning walk or sitting quietly before bed, these moments can be super to clear your head and refresh your priorities.

  5. Keep Tasks on Post-its:

    Break down your big scary goals into little sticky notes. It’s way less overwhelming and helps you focus on one small win at a time.

Why the End Result Matters Too

Process Product

While we're all in for loving the journey, we can't ignore the destination. Here’s the thing—sometimes, getting super involved in the process can make us lose sight of the bigger picture. We’ve seen it happen: people get bogged down ticking off every task, missing out on chances to step back for some much-needed clarity. You need to product or end goal to help you filter out the noise along the way.

A strategy we use a lot to not get overwhelmed and to not get bogged down by all the little things is the 4 D's—Do it, Delegate it, Delay it, or Delete it. This little checklist is a game-changer when you feel stuck in the nitty-gritty of things.

  • Do it: If it’s crucial and urgent, just knock it out.

  • Delegate it: Got something on your plate that someone else could handle? Pass it on.

  • Delay it: If it’s not urgent, set it aside for now. It’ll wait.

  • Delete it: And sometimes, you gotta admit that some tasks just aren’t worth the hassle anymore.

Using these 4 D’s helps clear the fog, so you can keep an eye on those big goals without getting lost in the day-to-day grind. It’s all about making sure you’re not just busy, but productive—pushing towards that end goal with purpose.

Finding That Sweet Spot

Sweet Spot

Balancing the process and the product is like:

  • Eyes on the Prize: Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing, but don’t forget to enjoy how you’re doing it.

  • Adapt and Overcome: Use what you learn along the way to tweak your journey.

  • Feedback is Your Friend: Keep getting input to make sure you’re on track with both the journey and the destination.

This isn’t about picking sides—process or product—it’s about giving both their due credit. We hope this chat makes you think a bit differently about your own paths. If you’ve got stories or questions, or if you just want to chat about finding your won balance between the two, comment, give us a call or drop us an email. Oh and have a go at the 4 D's - it's a game changer!!

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