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Our journey began in the vibrant world of creative arts, a path that has not only shaped us as artists but as leaders, educators, and advocates. Through the arts, we discovered powerful skills — creativity, communication, resilience — that transcend the studio and stage, enriching our lives in education, business, and community leadership. Inspired by our own transformation, we're dedicated to unlocking this potential in others. Our mission is to guide individuals in exploring their creative talents, developing their personal and professional skills, and empowering them to lead and inspire in all aspects of their lives.

Our ethos is simple – everyone has a story to tell, a song to sing, or a dance to share. We believe in the transformative power of the arts to enrich lives and communities. By making arts accessible to all, we aim to foster confidence, creativity, and a sense of belonging.

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Perseverance Pays

August 15, 20243 min read

Finding Your Agent and Overcoming Setbacks

Let's dive into the world of perseverance in the arts. Last time, we talked about how the arts build transferable skills and resilience. We've been chatting with Sam our Drama tutor and asked him how do you find the right agent, how do you deal with setbacks and keep going. Here's what he had to say.

Finding the Right Agent


Finding an agent is a mix of determination and strategic actions. When Sam started out he did lots of free work first, doing extra work and music videos, eventually landing a professional role in a Netflix documentary, giving him his first professional credits. This experience allowed him to join Spotlight, the primary platform for actors, singers, and dancers to find professional roles.

Sam's agent, CYP Actors, discovered him through Spotlight. The key here is maintaining a fresh and honest Spotlight profile. Sam updates his headshots regularly to show different looks, which helps casting directors visualise him in various roles.

Overcoming Setbacks

Handling setbacks is part of the journey. Even when auditions don't lead to roles, each one is a learning experience. Being penciled in for a part signifies recognition and should be celebrated as such. Setbacks are inevitable in the arts! The key to overcoming them is maintaining a positive attitude.

For Sam, even getting penciled for a role (making it to the top candidates) is a win. It means he's on the right track, and his skills are recognised. When facing rejection, Sam focuses on what he did right and sees each opportunity as a step forward. Constructive feedback from his agent helps him improve, but he doesn't let criticism weigh him down. Instead, he views every audition as valuable experience.

Staying Motivated:

  • Feedback Is Your Friend: Constructive criticism is valuable. Use it to improve, but don't let it discourage you.

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Getting shortlisted or penciled is a victory. Acknowledge and celebrate these milestones.

  • Resilience Is Key: The arts require a thick skin. Stay driven, and remember that many successful careers in the arts have slow starts.

Enjoy the Process

For Sam, it's not just about landing the role; it's about enjoying the journey. He is passionate about the importance of loving what you do and being grateful for every opportunity. This mindset helps him stay resilient and motivated, regardless of the outcome.

The importance of owning your identity as an artist is crucial as well. Whether you're an actor, singer, dancer, or writer, believe in yourself and claim your title. Sam's transition from feeling like an aspiring actor to confidently calling himself an actor has been a significant step in his journey

Perseverance in the arts is about continuously adapting and pushing forward. Whether you're seeking the right agent or facing another rejection, the key is to persevere with optimism and self-belief. Remember, every experience is a step toward your ultimate goal. Keep your profile fresh, embrace every audition, and hold onto your artistic identity with pride!


Sam's Advice Aspiring Artists:

  • Be Unique and Honest: Keep your Spotlight profile genuine and up-to-date to reflect your true self, which helps in attracting the right agent.

  • Stay Positive: Each audition, whether successful or not, is a step forward. Maintain a positive outlook to push through setbacks.

  • Enjoy the Journey: Embrace every part of the process and stay grateful for the opportunities that come your way.

  • Claim Your Identity: Confidently own your role as an artist. Believing you are what you aspire to be is key to becoming it.

  • Keep Going: Stay resilient and patient. Success in the arts can come at any time, often when you least expect it.

This is Sam's journey and advice and if are looking for anymore tips about finding an agent why not check out Spotlight's Page.

Perseverance paysActing TipsFind your AgentOvercoming SetbacksArts IndustryAution TipsCreative CareersStay Motivated
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